A Hint of Doshas
Learn AryuvedaIntroduction:
Doshas can help us determine a state of where we are and what elements predominate within our bodies and minds. If unfamiliar, DoshaThe three dosha's (also known as tridoshic) represent different types of energy and imbalances within our body, mind & spirit. They can be described in terms of their qualities or characteristics such as hot/cold, light/dark etc., but they are also understood through the Ayurveda system which is based on balancing these energies to achieve optimal health and wellbeing for each individual person's unique constitution (prakriti). More in SanskritSanskrit (संस्कृतम्) refers to the classical language and literature used by Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs in India since ancient times. It has been described as one of the most revered languages on earth due its association with Vedic scriptures such as Rigveda which is considered a sacred text for all Indic religions. More is imbalance, it’s also a guide to determine what qualities of the season we are in, the qualities which our body is presenting itself and which time of day it is. We have three doshas, which contain all 5 elements that make up the world and life we see around us. The macrocosmMacrocosm refers to everything that exists in the universe, from planets and stars down to subatomic particles like electrons or protons. It can also refer specifically to our solar system as a whole, including all of its celestial bodies such as Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn etc., along with their moons and rings if applicable. More and microcosmMicrocosms are small-scale models or simulations of larger systems, such as cities in miniature scaled down to 1/87th (or smaller) size for model railroaders and others. More mirror each other and sometimes we have to do the opposite of what the macro is doing to balance out the micro. Doshas can help us keep balance and a sense of peace in our daily life when we learn to understand and practice the circadian rhythmCircadian Rhythms are biological cycles that occur within a species or population, such as the menstrual cycle in humans (28 days) or seasonality patterns of plants and animals. More associated with these doshas.

The first of the elements in order is EtherEther refers to the subtle energy field that surrounds all matter on a microscopic level, according to Ayurveda. It plays an important role in maintaining health and wellness by regulating physiological processes such as digestion, circulation, respiration, and immunity. More. EtherEther refers to the subtle energy field that surrounds all matter on a microscopic level, according to Ayurveda. It plays an important role in maintaining health and wellness by regulating physiological processes such as digestion, circulation, respiration, and immunity. More then transforms into airAir refers to the element of space or sky that surrounds all matter on a macroscopic level according to Ayurveda. It plays an important role by regulating physiological processes such as respiration, circulation and immunity. More. These two elements together create what we call VataVatas are people with a constitutional predisposition toward dryness, coldness or lightheadedness due to an excessive movement in their system which causes them to feel ungrounded or spacey when they experience these qualities. They tend towards being airy and spontaneous but not necessarily flighty; it is difficult for vatas to focus on one thing at a time because of the constant motion within themselves, so they may have trouble staying still in their bodies even if they are physically active or moving around. More in AyurvedaAyurveda (also called Ayruvedic Medicine) is an ancient Indian system of medicine and healing that has been used for thousands of years to treat various ailments, including physical pain or discomfort. It involves using herbs, oils, dietary changes, yoga/meditation practices, massage therapy, acupuncture, and other holistic methods in order to promote overall health and wellness. More thought. VataVatas are people with a constitutional predisposition toward dryness, coldness or lightheadedness due to an excessive movement in their system which causes them to feel ungrounded or spacey when they experience these qualities. They tend towards being airy and spontaneous but not necessarily flighty; it is difficult for vatas to focus on one thing at a time because of the constant motion within themselves, so they may have trouble staying still in their bodies even if they are physically active or moving around. More, “that which moves things” harnesses the qualities of dryness, movement, lightness, and change. VataVatas are people with a constitutional predisposition toward dryness, coldness or lightheadedness due to an excessive movement in their system which causes them to feel ungrounded or spacey when they experience these qualities. They tend towards being airy and spontaneous but not necessarily flighty; it is difficult for vatas to focus on one thing at a time because of the constant motion within themselves, so they may have trouble staying still in their bodies even if they are physically active or moving around. More physically harnesses the force behind respiration, elimination and nervous system. A VataVatas are people with a constitutional predisposition toward dryness, coldness or lightheadedness due to an excessive movement in their system which causes them to feel ungrounded or spacey when they experience these qualities. They tend towards being airy and spontaneous but not necessarily flighty; it is difficult for vatas to focus on one thing at a time because of the constant motion within themselves, so they may have trouble staying still in their bodies even if they are physically active or moving around. More type person lets the essence of their inner beauty from within shine and touch the world around them. VataVatas are people with a constitutional predisposition toward dryness, coldness or lightheadedness due to an excessive movement in their system which causes them to feel ungrounded or spacey when they experience these qualities. They tend towards being airy and spontaneous but not necessarily flighty; it is difficult for vatas to focus on one thing at a time because of the constant motion within themselves, so they may have trouble staying still in their bodies even if they are physically active or moving around. More when in balance, makes outstanding healers, enthusiastic speakers, and amazing writers and artists.
Elements following EtherEther refers to the subtle energy field that surrounds all matter on a microscopic level, according to Ayurveda. It plays an important role in maintaining health and wellness by regulating physiological processes such as digestion, circulation, respiration, and immunity. More and AirAir refers to the element of space or sky that surrounds all matter on a macroscopic level according to Ayurveda. It plays an important role by regulating physiological processes such as respiration, circulation and immunity. More are FireFire refers to the element of heat or energy that surrounds all matter on a microscopic level according to Ayurveda. It plays an important role by regulating physiological processes such as digestion, metabolism and elimination. More, with a very little bit of waterWater refers to the element of moisture or fluidity that surrounds all matter on a macroscopic level according to Ayurveda. It plays an important role by regulating physiological processes such as circulation and respiration, among others. More. EtherEther refers to the subtle energy field that surrounds all matter on a microscopic level, according to Ayurveda. It plays an important role in maintaining health and wellness by regulating physiological processes such as digestion, circulation, respiration, and immunity. More and airAir refers to the element of space or sky that surrounds all matter on a macroscopic level according to Ayurveda. It plays an important role by regulating physiological processes such as respiration, circulation and immunity. More create movement, which then creates friction. When friction is created, heat follows. This heat is what we call in AyurvedaAyurveda (also called Ayruvedic Medicine) is an ancient Indian system of medicine and healing that has been used for thousands of years to treat various ailments, including physical pain or discomfort. It involves using herbs, oils, dietary changes, yoga/meditation practices, massage therapy, acupuncture, and other holistic methods in order to promote overall health and wellness. More PittaPittas are people with a constitutional predisposition toward anger and irritability due to an excess of heat in their system, which causes them to be easily agitated or angry when frustrated by circumstances. Pittis tend towards being hot-tempered but not necessarily violent; they have difficulty controlling their emotions because it is difficult for pittas to control the flow of energy through themselves and around others. More. PittaPittas are people with a constitutional predisposition toward anger and irritability due to an excess of heat in their system, which causes them to be easily agitated or angry when frustrated by circumstances. Pittis tend towards being hot-tempered but not necessarily violent; they have difficulty controlling their emotions because it is difficult for pittas to control the flow of energy through themselves and around others. More harnesses the motion “which digest things.” The qualities of hot, sharp, oily, and also light can describe PittaPittas are people with a constitutional predisposition toward anger and irritability due to an excess of heat in their system, which causes them to be easily agitated or angry when frustrated by circumstances. Pittis tend towards being hot-tempered but not necessarily violent; they have difficulty controlling their emotions because it is difficult for pittas to control the flow of energy through themselves and around others. More. Physically, PittaPittas are people with a constitutional predisposition toward anger and irritability due to an excess of heat in their system, which causes them to be easily agitated or angry when frustrated by circumstances. Pittis tend towards being hot-tempered but not necessarily violent; they have difficulty controlling their emotions because it is difficult for pittas to control the flow of energy through themselves and around others. More is behind our digestion and metabolism. PittaPittas are people with a constitutional predisposition toward anger and irritability due to an excess of heat in their system, which causes them to be easily agitated or angry when frustrated by circumstances. Pittis tend towards being hot-tempered but not necessarily violent; they have difficulty controlling their emotions because it is difficult for pittas to control the flow of energy through themselves and around others. More helps keep our bodies at their natural temperature of 98.6 degrees. When PittaPittas are people with a constitutional predisposition toward anger and irritability due to an excess of heat in their system, which causes them to be easily agitated or angry when frustrated by circumstances. Pittis tend towards being hot-tempered but not necessarily violent; they have difficulty controlling their emotions because it is difficult for pittas to control the flow of energy through themselves and around others. More is in balance, we have the ability to see the truth about ourselves and others.
Lastly, the elements of waterWater refers to the element of moisture or fluidity that surrounds all matter on a macroscopic level according to Ayurveda. It plays an important role by regulating physiological processes such as circulation and respiration, among others. More and earth, creating KaphaKaphas are people with a constitutional predisposition to gain weight and accumulate fat around the abdomen or waist area due to an excess of water in their system, which causes them to feel sluggish. They tend towards being overweight but not necessarily obese; they have difficulty losing weight because it is difficult for kaphas to burn calories efficiently. More. KaphaKaphas are people with a constitutional predisposition to gain weight and accumulate fat around the abdomen or waist area due to an excess of water in their system, which causes them to feel sluggish. They tend towards being overweight but not necessarily obese; they have difficulty losing weight because it is difficult for kaphas to burn calories efficiently. More harnesses “that which holds things together.” Having the qualities of wetness, coolness, heaviness, and stability. Physically, KaphaKaphas are people with a constitutional predisposition to gain weight and accumulate fat around the abdomen or waist area due to an excess of water in their system, which causes them to feel sluggish. They tend towards being overweight but not necessarily obese; they have difficulty losing weight because it is difficult for kaphas to burn calories efficiently. More is the force behind the lymphatic systemThe lymphatic system serves as a defense mechanism for our bodies, helping to fight off any foreign invaders or harmful substances that may enter through damaged skin. In Ayurveda, it is believed that the proper functioning of this system can help prevent illness and promote overall health and well-being. More and the mucus membranes of the body. When KaphaKaphas are people with a constitutional predisposition to gain weight and accumulate fat around the abdomen or waist area due to an excess of water in their system, which causes them to feel sluggish. They tend towards being overweight but not necessarily obese; they have difficulty losing weight because it is difficult for kaphas to burn calories efficiently. More is in balance, it’s the loving, smothering motherly type that feels you get about yourself and/or about the people around you.
Understanding these doshas allows for us to get a better understanding of what’s going on inside our bodies and minds.
This is just a brief and quick understanding of these doshas and the qualities they harness. In the future we will go a little deeper into how to work with them and the times of day these doshas show themselves.